We are all eagerly awaiting for our shipments to arrive at our warehouse! Currently there are a lot of shipping vessels canceling their bookings due to less than capacity bookings. This is causing unexpected delays. We are using this page to keep you UPDATED! Any news of changes and we will make the adjustment here.
Once a vessel is on the way, our timelines should be pretty accurate. We will have a note that says ON THE WAY, for any shipment that is on a vessel and sailing.
Port dates are the vessel landing dates. Warehouse dates are a guesstimate based on usual time it takes to have shipments released from the port and brought to our warehouse.
As soon as we get a shipments in we will pull orders in preparation of customer pickup and deliveries. We will send out a mass email to everyone AND update this page with READY TO PICK UP OR DELIVER as soon as we get done with pulling everyone's orders.
Shipment #1. ARRIVED at the PR Warehouse 4/27!
Orders have been pulled and are ready for pickup. Customers receiving delivery will be contacted soon! We are "open" for curb side pickup every day this week: Tuseday 4/28-Saturday 5/2 from 9-5pm
PRE-ORDER PR Heavy Duty Flat Bench
PRE-ORDER Wall Balls
PRE-ORDER Slam Balls
PRE-ORDER Garage Gym Bumper Plates
PRE- ORDER B2 Adjustable Bench
Shipment #2. At the Port of Seattle now! Container has been released but the trucking company can not pull from the Port until Monday 11th. ETA 5/11
Once the shipment arrives, we will pull unload, do our counts and pull everyone's orders as fast as we can.
PRE-ORDER Crumb Rubber Plates
PRE-ORDER Olympic Plates
PRE-ORDER Basic Comp Flat Bench
PRE-ORDER Kettlebells
Shipment #3. Original Port ETA 5/5 ON THE WAY! Current Port ETA 5/19 Warehouse ETA 5/23
PRE-ORDER PR Cross-Training Bar, Max Power Bar, Hex Bars
PRE-ORDER KG Elite Change Plates
PRE-ORDER Deluxe Squat Racks, 6FT Squat Racks, 7FT Squat Racks, Power Racks, Folding Wall Racks
PRE-ORDER Landmine
PRE-ORDER Wall Mounted Bumper Plate Rack
PRE-ORDER #2 Basic Comp Flat Bench
PRE-ORDER #2 1.0 FID bench
PRE-ORDER #2 Kettlebells
PRE-ORDER #2 Olympic Plates
PRE-ORDER #2 Slam Balls
Shipment #4. Original Port ETA 5/14 ON THE WAY! Current Port ETA 5/19 Warehouse ETA 5/24
PRE-ORDER Rubber Hex Dumbbells
PRE-ORDER #2 Crumb Rubber Plates
PRE ORER #2 Garage Gym Bumper Plates
PRE ORDER #2 Power Rack
Shipment #5 Original Port ETA 6/5, ON THE WAY! Current ETA 6/6 Warehouse ETA 6/10
PRE-ORDER Elite Change Plates, LB
PRE-ORDER Elite Men's Cross-Training Bars
PRE-ORDER Elite Bar and Bumper Plate Sets
PRE-ORDER Men's Basic Power Bar
PRE-ORDER #2 Rubber Hex Dumbbells
PRE-ORDER #2 7ft Squat Rack
PRE-ORDER #2 Elite Change Plates, KG
PRE-ORDER #2 Men's Cross-Training Bar
PRE-ORDER #3 Garage Gym Bumper Plates
PRE-ORDER #3 Crumb Rubber Bumper Plates
Shipment #6 Scheduled to sail 5/13, Port ETA 6/6 Warehouse ETA 6/10
PRE-ORDER Safety Spotter Arms
PRE-ORDER Dip Attachments
PRE-ORDER #2 Folding Wall Rack, Power Racks
PRE-ORDER #2 Wall Mounted Bumper Plate Racks
PRE-ORDER #3 Rubber Hex Dumbbells (mislabeled as pre-order #2 on original product page from 5/4-5/5, corrected on 5/5)
PRE-ORDER #3 Squat Racks
PRE-ORDER #4 Garage Gym Bumper Plates
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